Abraxas Shrine by The Conduit

Abraxas Shrine is the December 20, 2019 album by the Los Angeles heavy metal project called The Conduit on the Akashic Records label.  This amazing band consists of Jeffrey Bobbin on vocals, Christopher Beattie and Ben Zeiger on guitars, Luca Canali on drums, and Tony Stanton on bass.  Before I started listening to this eleven-track album, I saw this is a heavy metal band.  As I started to listen to the first track on this album which is the title track Abraxas Shrine, it sounded like progressive/electronic rock and I said to myself, WHERE IS THE METAL!  About a minute or so into this song they kick in with metal and saw how versatile they are.  I continued to enjoy this album with its clean and unclean vocals, heavy guitar riffs and some awesome electronic sound with such tracks as Tactical Empath, Envemonate, Nightshade, Genesis Pattern and so much more.  I was impressed with the songwriting abilities of this band, as well as their performance and how this album was recorded.  This is definitely an album I would recommend you take a listen to.  Currently, this album is available as a digital download from Bandcamp, Amazon and other music outlets.  You can find more about this band by going to their Bandcamp page https://theconduit.bandcamp.com.  In closing, I want to thank this band for contacting me on twitter and sending me a digital download of this album to listen to and to give my opinion on this release.  I am looking forward to hearing their earlier releases and review them.


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